Healthiomics: Translational Studies

Summer Scholars Program (SSP)


* xCures and CureScience form partnership to provide patient centric solutions

* COVID-19 patient treated with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) - First in the US

* Dr. Boris Reznik joins CureScience's Advisory Board Member

* CureScience Institute expands Vision and Mission

* Gary Shields joins the Institute's Advisory Board

* Dr. Marincola joins the Institute's Advisory Board

* Curtana Pharmaceuticals’ CT-179 Receives Rare Pediatric Disease Designation

* Mesenchymal stem cells as living anti-inflammatory therapy for COVID-19 related acute respiratory distress syndrome

* CureScience CEO wants to ‘cocreate, not compete’ to advance health care

Transforming Hope into Cure™


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Regenerative Medicine
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Autoimmune disorders
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Easy Diagnostics
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Neoantigen Vaccine Program

A personalized vaccine program enabled by CureScience for cancer patients. The vaccine is tailored to the individual's tumor mutations. The neoepitope is predicted based on individual's sequenced data. Based on the predictions, an optimized peptide combination is translated into therapy.

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Cureosyti: Patient Empowerment


Understand the disease to make right decisions

Disease Reviews


Listen to their stories, you not alone. Let us fight together.

Patient Journeys


Scientific opinions on various disease related topics


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